Author: Abdullahi Suleiman

Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

Almost every state in the United States and the world is investing in their health care system because they have realized that health is indeed wealth. To achieve this goal, they have set up and put in place relevant training institutions, colleges, and universities that will produce professional nurses to tackle different health challenges. And the state of Louisiana is not left out on this. In this article, we will be looking at the best nursing schools in Louisiana. Nursing Schools in Louisiana 2024 If you already have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and are taking classes for your master’s…

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One of the major challenge Nursing Profession in Nigeria is face is issue of Policy making and Academic regulation, In this article you will read about THE IDEA BEHIND EVERY POLICY THAT NMCN AND NANNM SHOULD MAKE There are several kinds of motives behind every policy either policy made by governmental bodies, private bodies or individuals these policies emanate with a purpose. Policies has to do with regulations, guidelines, instructions, etc that are made from whatever reason in order to coordinate, control, manage or influence a process or an act. Every day of human life and existence is dependent on…

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Nursing is a profession of much need to the development of the health care systems and facilities in any place; as large as a nation and even as little as a family. And as such many Nursing Institutions/schools have been established in Nigeria. However, in this article, we will be providing you with the Top 5 Online Nursing Programs In Nigeria 2022. Nurses are responsible for the care of patients, Administration of drugs, training, nurturing, amongst other duties. Due to this, qualified nurses are sought-after and can only be qualified if they attended an accredited nursing Institution. Attending one of…

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A mental health nurse, also known as a psychiatric nurse or psychiatric-mental health nurse, is a specialized healthcare professional who works with individuals experiencing mental health issues or psychiatric disorders. They play a crucial role in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with mental health conditions. Here are some key responsibilities and duties of a mental health nurse: Assessment: Mental health nurses conduct comprehensive assessments of patients’ mental health, including their emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. They gather information about symptoms, history, and current circumstances to form a holistic understanding of the patient’s condition. Diagnosis and Planning: Based on…

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In this article you will read about new welcome development in nursing in Nigeria, Kwara State College of Nursing and Midwifery To Begin B.Sc, M.Sc Programs 2023 Kwara School Of Nursing can be described as of the most suitable areas to Study Nursing in Nigeria Education is the foundation for development of any society. It’s therefore not surprising that the Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq led administration has consistently provide necessary support for all Tertiary institutions in Kwara State to full their mandate and deliver quality education to students. The story at Kwara State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Ilorin that is…

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In this article you Will read about 4 Qualities of Caregiver Excellence 4 Qualities of Caregiver Excellence Providing care to those in need, whether it’s a family member or a patient in a hospital, is a difficult job, especially for those that aren’t officially trained in that capacity. However, even those caregivers that aren’t necessarily certified and licensed can offer excellent service to family members in need. As long as they embody a few specific qualities, anyone can become an exemplary caregiver. Here are the top five traits that lead to caregiver excellence, regardless of qualifications. Patience Many people become…

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There are two educational pathways to nursing profession in Nigeria; THE HOSPITAL – BASED PATHWAY And THE UNIVERSITY – BASED PATHWAY. THE UNIVERSITY – BASED PATHWAY is followed through a degree programme offered only in the university which runs for 5 years and leads to the award of BNSc (Bachelor of Nursing Science) , Registered Nurse(RN) certificate, Registered Midwife (RM) certificate and Registered Public Health Nurse (RPHN). THE UNIVERSITY BASED – NURSING PROGRAMME is jointly regulated by the NUC and the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria(NMCN) Read Also: Role Of Student Nurse In upgrade of nursing practice in…

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Becoming a registered nurse is the ultimate goal for a lot of men and women looking to enter the medical field. Registered nurses work directly with patients to provide care and have a wealth of knowledge and skills to offer, but there might be a few things that you didn’t know about registered nurses. Without further ado, here are ten interesting facts about a registered nurses. 10 Interesting Facts about a Registered Nurse You don’t need a four-year degree Most registered nurses graduate with a 2-year degree. With this degree, they have enough practice and skill and can find a…

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In this article you will read about one the challenge Nursing Profession is facing In Nigeria That’s Nurses gross lack of interest in research It is a great need for concern as we gradually watch nurses kill the spirit of research. These days even from antecedents nursing research has left on the shoulders of some few such as the academics whom they feel ought to be the only personalities responsible for research in nursing. I want to debunk this sarcastic as well as obnoxious mind infecting idea, thought and notion and to say that, research is digging deep into none…

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Many people want to know the answer to this question, Is Nursing A Good Career For The Future? Get the answer here. In this article you will read and understand why Nursing is a good career For The Future or not? The current waves about the nursing profession might prompt you to ask the question “Is Nursing worth all the hype?” You might question the future relevance of the profession, particularly if you are making a career transition to Nursing, you are considering Nursing as a major for your undergraduate degree or you are a Nurse. Over the centuries, certain…

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