In this article you will read about one the challenge Nursing Profession is facing In Nigeria That’s Nurses gross lack of interest in research

It is a great need for concern as we gradually watch nurses kill the spirit of research. These days even from antecedents nursing research has left on the shoulders of some few such as the academics whom they feel ought to be the only personalities responsible for research in nursing. I want to debunk this sarcastic as well as obnoxious mind infecting idea, thought and notion and to say that, research is digging deep into none existing or existing knowledge to birth or bring forth a new system of thought pattern or knowledge necessary for the advancement of the profession, subject matter or a way of life.

Nurses gross lack of interest in research
Nurses Are Beautiful

This is not given to a few professionals in the nursing trajectory nor to graduate or degree nurses alone but an effort of every nurse who has undergone a nursing training and has been registered by the nursing and midwifery council of Nigeria.

Over time nursing research has not be progressive rather retrogressive, it has not been advancing rather maintaining and it has not been consistent and ground breaking rather recycling. For any professional advancement and growth there must be an intentional input of knowledge and this knowledge does not only come from the available or pre-existing knowledge but in the new information that can be birthed forth and this new knowledge is what bears the record or witness of an advancing profession that is ready to initiate new processes or consolidate old processes or memorandum of operations for a better health delivery or outcome.

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There is an outright need for every registered to incubate, cultivate, initiate and communicate the necessity of research in nursing and implement it. Let nurses all over the world begin to see nursing as a choiced profession that has not arrived but still on the tour to greatness because when we begin to see or envision in this dimension that will open up our prowess to begin to implement the habit of research.

This is because from where we are now and to where we are heading to requires a process and sacrifice of love and knowledge which is research making in we really clamour for a great nursing profession now and in the years to come. Nurses must wake up and start making researches beginning from our various hospitals, clinics or maternity homes to agencies, schools, agencies, institutions, and ministries. Young student nurses must be thought the essence and importance of nursing research and how to adequately conduct one because it is necessary. Let me reiterate that the changes and transformation of nursing profession depends on some pillars and researching is one of those key pillars.

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In conclusion, every nurse must see himself/herself as a researcher and not a knowledge maintainer only.



Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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