This article provide you with the information on WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT UNCONSCIOUS

Consciousness is a state of awareness between the self body and the environment.

Unconsciousness is a condition characterized by the depression of cerebral function ranging from coma to stupor Or Unconsciousness is a state of unawareness between the body self and the environment.

Clauses of Unconsciousness:

I. Head injury
ii. Stroke (CVA)
iii. Brain tumors
vi. Trauma producing direct pressure on the reticular formation
v. Drug over dosage
vi. Alcohol intoxication
vii. Hepatic failure
viii. Renal failure
ix. Hypoglycemia
x. Diabetes Keto-acidosis
xi. Cardiac failure
xii. Anaemia
xiii. Shock
xiv . Anaesthesia (i.e. Spinal & General)
xv. Respiratory failure
xvi. Electrolyte imbalance.

Assessment of Unconscious patients:

The Unconscious patient is unable to relate history information should be obtained from family members, friends witness, police or rescue workers.

Information to be elicited include:
i. A description of the onset of the injury, events & other unusual factor preceeding the incident.
ii. History of recent infection
iii. Information associated with health problems.
iv. The used of prescribed & non- prescribed drugs.

Physical Assessment:
A practical means of monitoring changes in the level of consciousness is the use of Glasgow coma scale,

Which involved includes;
i. Eye opening
ii. Best verbal response
iii. Best motor response.

Eye opening total score is 4

a.Spontaneous eye opening 4/4
b. Open to speech 3/4
c. Open to pain 2/4
d. No eye opening 1/4

Best verbal response the total score is 5.
a. Orientation 5/5
b . confused conversation 4/5
c. Inappropriate words 3/5
d. Incomprehensible sounds 2/5
e. No response 1/5

Best of motor response
Total is 6:
a. Obey commands 6/6
b. Localization of pain 5/6
c.flexion withdraw to pain 4/6
d. Abnormal Flexion 3/6
e. Abnormal extension to pain 2/6
f. No response.

Summary Of GCS,
1-4 comatose state
5-10 semi conscious
11–15 there is regaining in conscious level.
The total score for Glasgow coma scale is 15.

Nursing Management of Unconscious patients:

~Suctioning of patients airways
~Administered oxygen to patient
~ frequent change of patient position every 2hours
~ monitor patient Vital signs every 15–30minutes
~ Catherize the patient
~ give oral care twice daily
~ monitor input and output chart
~ daily bed bath
~ give administered prescribed medication
~ feeding of patient with NG tube.
Maintaining of patients privacy.

From senator
Umaru Isah
AAU Ekpoma,Edo state
NUNSA National body


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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