In this article you will read on West African Nurses And Politics


Politics according to oxford dictionary of English can be referred to as the activities involved in getting and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country or a society. Many at times people don’t really want to understand or better still believe that nurses in West Africa can be political leaders able and capable, fortified and fit to handle political offices. Though, often times the bulk of the problem stems from the nurses themselves who have low self esteem, who have inferiority complex, or who are contented with bedside nursing and feel there is less or no need to engage in the governmental politics of the country. The less concern we continue to be the more problematic nursing and degrading will continue to be. I want to debunk the idea that nurses are not leaders and can’t hold political offices. The first black vice president of the international council of nurses (ICN) and the first Nigerian chief nursing officer (CNO) who practiced in Britain before stepping into Nigeria Chief Abeni Pratt Hon. FRCN (1915-1992), A Nigerian born nurse and a few others have been able to demonstrate to us that nurses are not just relevant in the clinical practice nor hospital alone but are also efficient, effective and necessary in the political affairs of every nation especially in West Africa. Across West Africa, only 3% out of the total number can be said to be in politics whereas 97% have secluded themselves and restrict themselves to bed side, NGO, educational or hospital irrespective of the specialization
Permit me to say that gone are the days where the government in West Africa where willing to do things willingly for the betterment of health workers collectively instead it is now “nothing goes for nothing”. What this means is that something must be done to get something. There must be a proactive move in order to get a reactive move. No wonder, the medical doctors and other health professionals find it easy to transcend and move higher in their professional career plight while nursing are limited. I will not be satisfied if I don’t highlight some of the benefits of nurses in the world especially in West Africa involving in politics.
Make Sure You Read Our Amazing Article: Solution To African Nurses Reformation and Revitalization

West African Nurses And Politics

Politics is a platform for policy making.

  • Do nurses clamor for change?
  • Do you advocate for good administrative policies in healthcare that could place nurses in a better grading and salary level?
  • Do you have some qualitative resolutions in your mind about the nursing profession and feel you would have implemented them if you had the chance?
  • Are you sad when some policies in your country seem to be discriminating against nurses?

Then this is the pedestal for change and effect. Politics gives you the opportunity for your voice to be heard
READ THIS: Effective And Influential Leadership In Nursing

West African Nurses And Politics

Nursing administration and better renowned policies that could transform nursing in West Africa can be achieved if nurses energetically participate in governmental policies. Hasn’t it occur to you that the reason why nursing has remain adamant in some major policies for years is because there is no voice to speak out in government in matters or affairs relating to nurses? I certainly know that there are professional nursing associations in several countries but these associations are not just enough. Some of them are adamant, some have lost their bearing, and some have even compromised their gains for their personal and self aggrandizement.

“Nurses are good leaders and they empower if given the opportunity” Dr Beth. Do not be limited and restricted or contented with what we have in nursing now instead let’s fight for the future.

Nurses are polyvalent and dynamic as such let this dynamic nature play out even in politics because politics is one of the major way out for nursing professional growth.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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