In this article we’ll help you on Steps Important For A Good Nursing Presentation
Most times students are confused when trying to make PowerPoint slides for their topics for seminar presentation. Often times they are stranded of ideas and this can be frustrating and weird. Students are not the only ones guilty here even the staff nurses are also victims especially during continuous nurses’ education (CNE) presentation. It is no news that PowerPoint presentation has become one of the chief Microsoft applications in vogue specifically for academic presentations. This is because it is easy to understand and clear to read in between lines because of its size orientation. Successful people who have been able to cope with this knowledge are always at the high echelon during seminar presentations.
This article will help you know how to start, continue and finish nursing academic or informational presentation using PowerPoint. The basic steps for a good nursing seminar presentation are thus:
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Choose a topic you love except if it was given to you by your superior in your organization or your course coordinator or lecturer in school
It is important that you do what you love because doing what you love makes it easier for you to do it best and to the best of your ability.
Make a draft of your subtopics and the headings of your presentation
By doing this, it will help you work faster and easily without having to think of what next to do anymore because you already have a framework. It gives you a kind of direction to know what and how you are working.
Have your resourceful materials ready
Your academic information should be ready.
What you want to present i.e. the information you intend to pass across to your audience should be at your finger tips. Acclimatize yourself with the subject matter. Know what you want to present. Ensure that the information sourcing was done by you or you have at least studied or read meticulously the notes and you have a full knowledge of the topic. You don’t want to flop or mess up before your audience that is why it is necessary to study your notes and understand them correctly.
Select appropriate PowerPoint for the information you intend to pass in each slide
There are different slides for different functions. There are blank slides, single heading slides, a single headed and note slide, single headed and single picture or file slide, single headed and double picture or file slide etc. therefore, you must select slides that match your idea, intent and purpose.
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Know your format
Nursing format of presentation usually entails; cover page that gives information about who you are and the topic that you intend to discuss or present, table of content, introduction, definition, etiology/risk factors, signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, medical intervention, nursing management, complications, prognosis, summary and conclusion each heading as mentioned should be on separate slide depending on your topic.
Follow the rule of seven. This means only seven words and seven lines can be on a slide for clarity.
Make sure your presentation have images. This makes it more interesting to view as it creates a beat of reading breakage of words.
You may wish to include references as instructed by your lecturer or supervisor