Lack of continue Education is one of the major challenge facing Nursing Education in Nigeria, in this article you will read on THE NECESSITY OF CONTINUOUS NURSING EDUCATION

Knowledge they say is the key to development. The human faculties develop everyday by the reason of knowledge. Psychological, mental, personal and professional development is necessary in every career and for every society. Knowledge is progressive and as such human kind must learn every day. Continuous nursing education is a system or a strategic arrangement where information and relevant knowledge is shared among a group of nurses using in the clinical setting.

The Necessity Of Continuous Nursing Education

This system of learning exists in several hospitals and institutions of healthcare delivery. It is wonderful and necessary. In as much as this is obtainable in some places majority of hospitals are yet to come into this limelight of initiating and establishing continuous nursing education.

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One of the pivotal importances of continuous nursing education is that it creates room for interaction. The staff members are at liberty to interact with each other. It creates a friendly environment and much familiarity for nurses. Most times issues or topics pertaining to the hospital and its transformation and matters that threaten professional nursing care can be discussed in such a way that every nurse feels cared for, protected, and covered against viles from other professionals and abuses or assaults from other health workers. Rapport becomes appreciating and easy. The very things that staff members couldn’t open up to but the reason of continuous nursing education arrangement they open up and depression or work place assaults, abuses or low self esteem is addressed.

Another important thing obtainable in the continuous nursing education is that nurses are enlightened and equipped with adequate knowledge necessary for personal, clinical and academic development in line with the current nursing practice. If knowledge can be achieved or advanced in the clinical setting among clinicians then this means is one of the ways to impact many. Often times nurses don’t study anymore once they are out of schools and are currently working in an employed labour organization, institution or hospital.

There is no revisiting of books any longer except the few and common knowledge associated with their common duties that were primarily learnt from their citadel of learning back then in school.

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Continuous nursing education is key and must be taken vehemently and given adequate supervision and implementation in all hospitals and as well it should go beyond the ordinary hospital seminar presentations to continuous professional programs like masters and PhD and specialization. Reading culture should be encouraged. Nurses must begin to read. They must live above professional mediocrity.

There is a need to step up your professional qualification as a nurse by adding another qualification to it. If nurses desire a voice among other health professionals and globally as a whole then they must strive for mastery and this mastery must begin from stepping up our current academic status into a higher one and then improving and increasing their reading culture through continuous professional nursing education. Remember again that knowledge is key.



Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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