Nursing Journalism.

Journalism which entails aggregation, writing, editing and presenting of news or articles for widespread distribution has been a major source of information especially health wise and so it should be solely encouraged that nurses engage in journalism basically on their field of profession as it would go a long very long way to passing benefiting health information to individuals and as such improve or promote a healthy society. As to a very large extent people will get to know the basic things and healthy habits that will promote their daily healthy living.
Nursing Journalism
According to a 2018 study in the journal of Nursing scholarship, which reviewed and coded a random sample of 365 health care stones published September 2017, ” Nurses were identified as as sources in only four percent (4%) of all quotations or other sourcing in newspaper stories, and in 1% of those in stories from news magazines and industry publications”. Physicians and dentists were sourced in 43% of newspaper articles, 30% of news magazines, and 18% in industry articles. Further more, nurses “were never sourced in stories on health policy”, the authors report.
Only 13% of the article in the study sample mentioned nurses or nursing profession, and nurses were identified in only 4% of the photos, even though nurses are the largest group of health care professionals, according to the 2017 National Nursing Workforce survey in the Journal of Nursing Regulation.

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It is unfortunate to know that journalists often don’t really know what nurses do; public relation staff at hospitals and universities tend to offer up doctors than nurses in response to media requests; and journalist often have outdated and biased views on nursing, a majority women profession.
Howeveris worth noting that Americans widely trust nurses- a lot. Every year Gallup conducts a poll of more than 1000 randomly sampled adults, asking them how they rate various professions in terms of honesty and ethics. For 18years in a row, respondents have rated nurses higher than all other professions that Gallup ask about.
Nursing Journalism
In the most recent poll, some 85% of respondents gave nurses a rating of “high” or “very high” on a range of or “very low” to “very high” on the honesty and ethics scale. By comparison, 75% of respondents rated medical doctors “high” or “very high”. Journalists fared less well at 28%.

According to Sari Boren Here are three Important Reasons Why Healthcare News Should be Talking To A Citing Nurses- Especially During Covid-19 Pandemic.

1. Nurse Can Help Come Up With Excellent Pitches For Healthcare News Stories:
Mason urges journalists to form relationship with Nurses- especially acute care nurse, nurse administrators and public health nurses, and check in with them regularly, even if for a background conversation. A good relationship with nurse on a front lines care, conversing with them periodically, they can tell what the issues are, what to look at, and even what the stories ought to be.
Nurses are often among the first healtcare workers aware of a new development or problem. Though is not always prudent for them to proactively alert media. As reported in April; nurses have been fired for publicising personal protective equipment (PPE) shortage during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Thus ” if journalists had been in touch with nurses early on” Manson says ” they would have known the PPE was not adequate. ”
If one want to know how a policy is (or pandemic)/is affecting how patients feel, what patients need, and what is unexpectedly arising in patients care, ask a nurse she maintains.
2. Nurses develop and disseminate evidence- based practices, conduct research and influence public policy. Nurses have specific complementary skill sets, they are the ones working with patients on self-health management. Other nurses are national leaders in new care models. For example Nurse Lauran Hardin is a leader in addressing “high Utilizer” patients frequent users of multiple healthcare resources.
3. Ignoring Nurses Enforces Gender Bias and Limits Perspectives When Reporting on Healthcare.
In 2019 the American Nursing Workforce was about 88% women, according to Bureau of labor statistics. In hospitals nurses are the ones with patients 24/7. Thus nurses are the generalists in healthcare. They are always at the front lines they are ones who gets closer to patients than physicians. Thus their involvement I. journalism and their information’s can not be sidelined.


Majority of healthcare analysts, have no medical background. Sure they worked for media outlets like CNN or any other world stations, but they have no working first hand knowledge about healthcare. Yet ate viewed as experts in the field. Unlike nurses they posses all the skills needed to be excellent journalists. They are taught to assess situations and give patients a diagnosis. They are taught intense research skills to come up with a conclusion. They are always fighting out what the best solution is to any problem. Thus they have first hand bedside knowledge of how the healthcare system works. They are the ones who experienced patients stories firsthand. Therefore they have an empathetic connected view of the healing process. Which is why is crucial for them to step up and start writing and sharing stories, the truth of what is going on in healthcare.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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