The Article will provides you with full guide on how to improve Nursing image in Nigeria 2022 as a Registered Nurse/Midwife

How To Improve Nursing Image In Nigeria 2022

  • Always dress in your uniform professionally, decently, and responsibly.
  • Be cheerful, friendly and compassionate while attending to patients or their relatives
  • Do not shout, scold or correct junior colleagues or students in the presence of your patients or their relatives. You can do that privately, in your office or at the Nurses station
  • Join Doctors during Ward Rounds (WRs) and make contributions on patients management
  • When your Ward is calm and less busy take your time to give patients Health Education on their conditions
How To Improve Nursing Image In Nigeria 2022

READ THIS: 6 Most Common Mistakes Made By Novice Nurses, Lessons and Special Consideration

  • Do not be pressing or playing with your phone while attending to your patients or their relatives.
  • Do not hiss or frown at patients or their relatives when they call your attention to attend to them
  • Do not chase patients’ relatives out of the Ward during non visit hours. Call the security officers around to their Job.
  • When your patient tell you “Thank you Doctor” after carrying out a procedure tell the patient there and then that you are a Nurse not a Doctor. Take time to explain to the patient the difference between a Doctor and a Nurse.
  • After patient is discharge ensure to give the patient health education on discharge before he/she leaves the hospital.
  • During Night Shifts do check on your patients sparingly
  • Do your bed making procedure passionately bearing it scientific principles. Don’t allow Cleaners, Auxiliaries etc to your work.
  • Set IV Lines competently and confidently.
  • Always remember to take informed consent before commencing any procedure on patients.
  • Take time to always explain the importance of regular taking of Vital Signs. Most patients think is useless and unnecessary.
  • Never gesticulate, formulate, or copy Vital Signs. Always take fresh one.
  • Expose any Quack you see parading himself/herself as a Nurse or Midwife.
  • Offer First Aid assistance anywhere there is an accident or need for medical attention. Introduce yourself as a Nurse before initiating any First Aid.
  • Use your Social media platforms especially Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc to educate your followers and contacts on health matters.
  • Avoid using your social media platforms to tell the world the problems and challeges of Nursing profession. Channel your solutions to appropriate authorities for consideration.
  •  Don’t tell patients that no payment no treatment. Let the account clerks chase after money.
  • When the meals are of poor quality, invite the catering staff to come explain to the patients what went wrong. Don’t accept the blame meant for another department.
  • When the consultant tells you that he can only see 20 patients out of many waiting to see him. Don’t be his mouthpiece, let him come out and tell the patients by himself.

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The responsibility of Making Good the image of Nursing in Nigeria lies on every Nurse and Midwife. Do your best at your own personal capacity.

Written by Bilyaminu Bala Yahya (RN, BNSc) from Ibadan, Oyo State. 08109316250


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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