In this article you will read about Higher Education In Nursing: Implication To Nursing Profession

Higher Education In Nursing: Implication To Nursing Profession

Nursing education is one to reckon with looking at the inception and accreditation through several eras of events and history. Primitive nursing started as early as human existence traceable back to 2000BC. Meanwhile, modern scientific nursing began 1854 during the Crimean war with Florence Nightingale who lived within 1820 – 1920. Nursing education has progressively evolved with high scientific and practical methodologies in order to suit the terrain of wholistic human care. Scientific nursing education in Africa is as old as the inception because its originator began her career in Egypt a Northeastern African nation before she later moved to Britain (Europe). In Western Africa, Nigeria is a key player in the establishment of nursing education which began by the initiation of the ordinances of nursing council in 1946 but was officially implemented August 1947. Nursing education sequel to this has broadened by the declaration of Trevor Clay CBE, FRCN general secretary of the royal college of nursing which increased nursing programmes in universities and colleges even though degree courses in nursing had already began in the university of Minnesota 1909 (America) and later on in university of Manchester 1970s (Europe). This has greatly affected the image of nursing and the standard of efficient practice. The educational system has progressed from support/rescue group to schools/colleges of nursing, from schools/colleges of nursing to university degree programmes and hitherto advanced studies and training.
The positive implication of a higher degree in Nursing cannot be overemphasized neither can it be ignored nor concealed. Increasing the scope and level of study is very essential because it has a positive remark in the nursing profession. Nurses have been rendered irrelevant most times when it comes to being part of leadership in ministries of health, commissions or institutions because they lack the appropriate qualifications in such categories especially in Africa, Asia, Antarctica and even part of Europe.

Higher Education In Nursing: Implication To Nursing Profession

Higher education such as degree programmes, masters and PhD are good boosters to the representation of nurses in any organization. Highlights of the implication of advanced or higher education on the nursing profession are thus revealed:

Acquisition of increased knowledge

The higher the educational level the more learning is gained and skills acquired. Relevant skills and information can only be acquired when one learns. As nurses focus on evidenced based practiced, there is a need to back it up deliberately with new ideas, philosophies, theories and researches in which one has acquired through a higher education. Different and unique information is embedded in different levels of education. A nurse can be more efficient in discharging his or her duties more if he or she has passed through a higher training in an established institution or citadel of learning. The need for advanced or higher education is pertinent to how effective and acquainted we get use to the new technologies and machineries and even modalities in the nursing profession and this changing world of global eclecticism.

Proper leadership representation

I have already begun discussing this point in the introduction above but I will quickly state that ‘proper qualification warrants proper placement’. On the other hand ‘appropriate certification provides for proper representation. Nurses in Nigeria and globally will only pull strings maximally if only they advance in their educational struggle. Degree nursing is not difficult; masters and PhD can be acquired. For more relevance I recommend that come few years nursing basic entry point should be degree programme as this will improve the workforce in the nursing stream.

Other implications include:

  • Familiarization with neo-technologies
  • Adequate service delivery
  • Improve remuneration
  • Value addition
  • Research efficacy and skills
  • Continuous educational development
  • Progressive educational tutelage in nursing institutions
  • Skills capacity development
  • Building self esteem
  • Increasing chances for employment
  • Improve management skills
  • Creating a network
  • You will become a policy maker and stakeholder
    Global recognition etc


No doubt, concerted efforts has been made by our heroes past, while many are still unrelenting at getting nursing to work for the good of all.  The following germane submission are worthy of note according to Obot Bernadette (2004) in his Seminar paper:
  • More universities in Nigeria should be encouraged and assisted tb start  nursing degree programmes,  – There should be affiliation of all schools of nursing to the universities. Kudos to Benue and Ondo State for setting the pace. Other states should adopt their model.
  • Thegovernment, private entities including companies, individuals and Alumni  organizations should help in providing funds for sponsorship of nurses, and building of libraries.
  • Nursing leaders and the universities should make provision for wider areas of  specialization for nurses. In order to help attain any level they intend to in any  area of specialty of their interest.
  • -More opportunity for university education especially on part-time basis should  be explored and developed for nurses so that prospective professionals in  nursing will not be lost to other disciplines.
  • All nursing services department should implement as a matter of urgency  nursing process, nursing research and nursing audit, which are vital tools for a  qualitative, nursing care.
  • Mormen should be encouraged by the nursing leaders to change their attitudes  towards nursing profession to join the profession through media campaign campaign. Also career counseling should be instituted at all levels of the  educational system by nurses themselves. Regular education of the populace on the role of the nurse on journals, television, radio, jingles etc should be encouraged.
  • The National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) should-be the embodiment of the resources, aspirations and professional  actualization of Nigerian nurse. She should be the veritable change agent  in the direction currently indicated in nursing education.
  •  Nursesleaders should be involved in policy making bodies in order to  formulate policies that will effect a change in the nursing profession.
  •  Cohesiveness of all registered nurses towards the implementation of the  new career structure in Nigeria.
  • Government should encourage graduate nurses to specialize in nursing  education by giving some incentives.
  • Administrators should be more liberal on working nurses with the ambition to further their study. Their education will significantly affect the job on the long run.

Conclusively, higher education is paramount to the nursing profession. I recommend the need for undertaking this course. Nursing will gain the craved attention and respect that all nurses desire if only they can begin to peep into the glory that will be revealed in advancing their educational career. Sitting back with one qualification for many years is devastating and improper. Pursue a higher education in nursing because it is the window for your future relevance in the profession ecumenically.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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