In this article you will read about Dedicated to all advanced aged Nurses and Midwives

Dedicated to all advanced aged Nurses and Midwives

Dear matron, compliment of the season, it’s been a very long time, I miss you and the rest of the matrons. I hope you are fighting fit.
Living in Africa as a Nurse, must be a struggle and toil, you live through dozens of twist and turns.
Dear Matron, for decades, you sacrificed your time, energy and resources. You saved a lot of lives, you bring many in to the world and you ensure a peaceful exit of hundreds.
Dedicated to all advanced aged Nurses and Midwives
You fed the hungry, you gave water to the thirsty, you clothed the naked, you bath the weak and you educated the illiterate.
You treated the sick, you prevented the vulnerable and you strengthened the healthy.
You give hope to the hopeless, you reached the unreachable and you touched the untouched.
Dear matron, despite the paucity of Universities offering Nursing during your time, you have manage to propelled our noble profession to where it is today.
You fought tooth and nail in order to update your knowledge and skills when almighty Google was no where to be found. You survived in the midst of other professionals with highest university certification.

Today it is my turn to say THANKS.

Dear matron, be rest assured, the creator will reward you with the best of rewards.
Dear matron, as you have few days remaining in service am confident some people will ask what have you done with your life?. If they ask , tell them you spent your life doing what your lord love most.
Tell them about the countless prayers said by patients and their loved ones to you.
Dear matron, if they ask you about your feelings, tell them you are ever grateful for being a Nurse.
Dear matron, tell them what James Allen says in his book AS A MAN THINKETH
“in so far you succeed in loosingyourself in the service of others, in that measure, will happiness come to you and you will reap a harvest of bliss”
Dear matron, if they ask you about Nursing care,tell them how difficult it is to manage spinal cord injuries.
Read our amazing Article: Should All Nurses Be Forced To Get Flu Vaccinations?
Tell them how you feel when disclosing death to relations and the feeling when informing a Cancer patient its prognosis.
Tell them the dilemma you faced when counselling a patient for amputation, but don’t tell them you perceives offensive smell of an infected wound.
Dear matron, tell them about the suffering of a pregnant woman, the anxiety of preoperative patient and the loneliness of Covid-19 patient.
Dear matron, if they ask you about your well-being, tell them that you visits orthopaedic and NHIS clinics, tell them about the sleepless nights you spent caring for the sick, the doses of antimalarial you consumed, the blisters of antihypertensive you finished and the cuts you sustained with ampules and vials.
But don’t tell them about your chronic low back pain and leg pains.
Dear matron, if they ask you about what it takes to be a Nurse, tell them till we meet in the next missive.
✍🏽 Nurse Abdulhakim S. Umar (Hakimi)


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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