It’s stressful to lose your job, whether it’s because of a layoff, downsizing, or forced retirement. Losing a job can cause financial hardship and affect your mental health and relationships. However, you must remember that even in the bleakest of times, there is hope. It is possible to cope with setbacks, ease your anxiety and stress, and continue your career with some effort and the right coping techniques. 

5 Tips To Cope With A Job Loss

Here are some ways to cope with a job loss.

Adapt to the new situation slowly

The first thing you may wonder is, “why me?” and try to figure out what went wrong that left you jobless. Give yourself some time to reflect on your errors and adjust your course. Keeping yourself down doesn’t help. Give yourself time to heal and allow bad days to swing by.

For some people, losing their jobs relieves stress. For others, it may be as painful as they have lost a loved one. Even though many people don’t like their jobs, this reaction is common. However, you must accept whatever you are feeling and be aware of your feelings of sadness and grief without denying or ignoring them. You may run into problems down the road if you don’t deal with your emotions right away.

You may go through several grief stages, such as shock, denial, anger, depression, and withdrawal before you finally reach acceptance. However, it is crucial that you identify each stage carefully, as your acceptance of reality can depend on it. Many people suppress their emotions and let depression take over, leading to harmful habits like substance abuse. So, before it’s too late, consider professional help and get treatment for depression before it seeps into your life to cause further damage.

Embrace reality

It doesn’t matter how you got laid off; you cannot change it. Get back on your feet by taking control of what you can control – such as your mindset, attitude, and your coping techniques. Do not dwell on things you cannot change.

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Having lost your job means losing your income. You may experience setbacks or have to change your way of life completely because of it.

When people are facing financial difficulties, they often make significant decisions. Some choose to sell their homes, while many seek a new job immediately. As a result, they may have to take a pay cut that will have a lasting impact on them for years, or they may have to settle for a job that is not suitable for them.

Making drastic lifestyle changes can be avoided if you:

  • Plan your budget
  • Consult your creditors for financial advice
  • Organize your finances

The silver lining is that you can take advantage of your time off and make careful decisions. 

Don’t forget to look after yourself

When you lose your job, you lose more than your income and benefits. It can have a profound impact on your identity, your perception of your future, and your physical and emotional well-being. Perhaps you now have a different view of yourself or may feel disconnected and purposeless. 

You might miss your job’s structure if you’ve worked at the same place for years. You may even miss your routine and an office life where everyone knew and welcomed you.

Whatever your reaction to being out of work, you must stay aware of what you’re going through. Stress often has the power to influence your thinking and behavior. Put an end to any self-defeating thoughts and replace them with positive, self-affirming behavior.

The effects of stress can also affect your emotional and physical well-being. You mustn’t let your self-esteem take a hit and manage your well-being by taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. Exercise, eat healthily, volunteer, pick a hobby you’ve been avoiding, or enroll in a course to keep yourself engaged.

Routines are important. Make a plan for each day. Keep a steady pace and avoid doing or changing everything at once. Relax and rest when you need to. Above all, maintain a positive attitude!

Reach out for support

For someone who has always seen themselves as strong and independent, reaching out for help may be difficult at first. You will be able to cope better if you have a support network.

The people in your support group can encourage you, offer suggestions, and share their own experiences so that you can better understand and cope with your situation. You may also learn new skills with their help and expertise. Additionally, they may help you stay positive by diverting your attention from your problems.

You should ideally have a support network that includes more than one or two people. You may receive different types of support from different people depending on their point of view and their ability to support you. 

Don’t compromise on your eating habits

Losing your job comes with financial stress and eating disorders. While not having a fixed income now might make your diet seem like an unnecessary expense, depression may lead to bad eating habits. However, eating the right food is more useful than you might think.

The food you consume can greatly impact the energy levels and positive feelings you experience. Researchers from the University of East Anglia have found that a healthy and nutritious diet is associated with a positive attitude, motivation, and success.

Following are a few dietary changes you can make: 

  • Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Snacking on sugary foods such as fried potatoes, pasta, or chips may feel comforting initially, but it can make you feel sluggish and fatigued.
  • Avoid foods that have a negative influence on your mood, including caffeine and soft drinks.
  • Instead, you can shift to Omega-3 fatty acids to boost your mood. Seaweed, flaxseed, walnuts, and fatty fish, such as herring, anchovies, salmon, sardines, or mackerel, are the best sources. 
  • Stay away from nicotine and drugs. Alcohol and smoking may seem like quick fixes, but in the long run, these powerful stimulants can make anxiety and stress worse.


Our work is often more than just a means of earning a living. It affects how we view ourselves and how others perceive us. Even if you didn’t love your job, it was likely to provide you with a social outlet and give your life meaning, structure, and a sense of purpose that you missed otherwise. 

Feeling hurt, angry, or depressed is normal when you discover that you are suddenly out of work. You are likely experiencing anxiety about the future, grieving the loss of all that you have lost, or asking yourself questions about your identity. However, with the tips mentioned above, you can stay on track despite the struggles and not let this one setback ruin your life.

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Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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