In this article I’ll show you 5 Lessons Young Nurses Can Learn From Their Superior
5 Lessons Young Nurses Can Learn From Their Superior
Nurses are leaders by virtual of their profession; a nurse is an advocate to her patients, a care giver, a good listener and good educator. Nursing is a noble profession that the society at large look towards and admire. It is unarguably the truth that nursing has a strong leadership, even though there are many factors or challenges in the profession. For example, 1 out of 8 nurses have been a victim of bullying and harassment at work by a colleague or senior nurse. Although, this problem has made a lot of young nurses ridicule senior nurses, to such a point that most young nurses do not see a need to learn from their superiors.
This is sad believe me, there is nothing more sad than having a lot of young nurses who do not believe in the potentials of their senior nurses. Albeit, there are several lessons you can learn from, your superiors. Whether they are mean, nice or wicked, there are several lessons you can learn from them.
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There are several lessons you can learn from them
Task Delegation: Steven Sinofsky, former Microsoft Exercutive once said, “When you delegate work to a member of the team, your job is to clearly frame success and described the objectives.” Senior nurses are great at delegating tasks to junior nurses, as many some senior nurses take this skill to the extreme by using it to harass younger nurses, it is quite hard for young nurses to learn the right way to delegate tasks.
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Tasks delegation is an important management tool for nurses, it is really critical to patient care; it is an effective tool that helps nurses has a productive shift.
As a junior nurse, you can learn the 5Rs of task delegation, which are the right circumstance, right person, right directions, right evaluation and right ask. Delegation is important, and no matter how you hate to receive a task from your superiors, you must learn this skill either in an active or passive way.
Emotional Support: Nurses should be emotionally intelligent, although several young nurses find it difficult to balance the emotional turbulence in their mind. I also believe that emotional intelligence can be developed through experience.
Emotional intelligence is your ability to be able to evaluate, discern, control and handle your emotions in a positive manner towards others.
Nursing is a profession that cares for others, whether they want to be cared for or not, it is expedient that you learn to manage your emotions when communicating with your patients.
You can study senior nurses to see how they handle their emotions, without allowing their emotions meddle with their opinion or nursing intervention.
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Prioritizing Skills: Every nurse should learn how to prioritize properly. Apparently, superior nurses can prioritize duties properly. They know what to do at every time in time. Next time you see a superior nurse at the beginning of the shift, ask questions when you don’t understand how she prioritized.
Career Progression: Susan Marks, Past President, Nurse Practitioners Association of Long Island said, “Your first nursing job should include your basic nuts and bolts experience of medical patients.” I agree with her, if you want to pursue your career as a nurse, then you need to start from someone.
When you ask most senior nurses questions on how they started their nursing career, they probably will tell you they started with a very poor salary scale. Well, you do not have to necessarily have to start working a bad hospital. Albeit, you need to stand on the shoulders of nurses who are successful in your field, so you can be better.
Purpose: Judy Schmidt, the CEO of New Jersey State Nurses Association advised young nurses to embrace nursing with an open mind. She stated that nursing is a flexible career, and a very dynamic one in the healthcare industry. Nursing is a special career that can you a happy and fulfilling lifetime. The uniqueness of nursing is seen in the number of patients you care for each day, each night and everyday of your life.
Mark Bielawski, the President of The Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society, stated that nursing is a career that can allow people attain their full potentials. Moreover, given that money can be made from the career, yet Bielawski advised young nurses to be passionate about rendering care to nurses.
Nursing is that one profession I know that can provide you with fulfillment and self actualization. At the end of the day, you are able to look back at your life and feel grateful for the path you have choice.
If you are confused or worried as a young nurse, you need to learn from old nurses how they find enjoyment and purpose in the profession.
Here are 5 best advices from top nursing leaders globally. Rather than focusing on the bad eggs amongst your senior nurses, pay attention to the lessons you can learn from them.