Looking to immigrate to Canada as a Nurse?

Here is a Step-by-Step guide of how to immigrate to Canada as a Nurse.
Things to note:
– different provinces in Canada have their own mandatory qualification, regulations & requirements that must be met before one can work as nurse in Canada.
– Nursing falls under the 3012 NOC Code & Classified as a Skilled Level A.
– You may apply for a license in any province of your choice to be a:

  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)

Who is eligible for a NNAS evaluation?

– You graduated from a college or university nursing program outside Canada.
– Have never worked as a Nurse in Canada.
– Want to work as a RN, LPN, or RPN in Canada.
– Get Your Credentials Accessed by National Nursing Assessment Service (NNAS)
-This is simply converting your qualifications into a North American standard.
NNAS will:

  • – Verify your credentials.
  • – Compare & evaluate credentials to Canadian standard.
  • – Store credentials.

Submit a NNAS Application.
(a.) Create a NNAS Application here: https://t.co/lYeWETtOI7
Proof of Identification can include:

  • International Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Legal change name Affidavit
  • Marriage certificate

(b.) Submit two Proof of Identity documents to NNAS.
Documents must be notarized by a government-approved official, signed with a seal indicating that they have seen the original documents, made the copies, can certify that they are true copies.

Check Also: Step to step guide on migrating to Ireland as a Registered Nurse

(c.) Submit a Nursing Education Form.
Form can be accessed once you’ve registered online on NNAS website. The form must be sent directly by your school to NNAS either by mail or courier.
Do not send your form to NNAS. School must send it.
(d.) Submit a Nursing Registration Form.
Form can be downloaded and printed from NNAS online account and must be sent by the nursing licensing authorities where you were ever licensed or registered outside of Canada.
(e.) Submit Your Nursing Practice Employment Form (Form must be completed and sent directly by your employer by mail or courier to NNAS).
(f.) Submit your IELTS Language Testing results. However, if your first language is English/French get an exemption letter from your school.
(g.) NNAS will send advisory report to provincial regulatory body you initially selected upon registration.
For complete NNAS application handbook: https://t.co/G3ShNTujNT
Once regulatory body receives report from NNAS, they will request you start process with them.
(f.) Once all documents have been received by NNAS, submit your application and choose what province and nursing group you are applying to..
What Others Are Reading..

The NNAS Main application fee is $650 USD.
Here are Provinces, Qualification Available and Regulatory Body Involved:
1. British Columbia – RN & PN:
British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals
2. Ontario – RN:
College of Nurses of Ontario
3. Saskatchewan – RN:
Saskatchewan Registered Nurse Association
4. Manitoba – RN & PN
College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba
Practical Nurses College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
6. Alberta – PN & RN
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta
College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Identify the Immigration Program that suits you:
(a.) Express Entry (EE); https://t.co/HAnGPy3Y7D

Fees breakdown:

– EE Application fee- CAD1040.
– WES – CAD230.
– IELTS – Dependent on Country (DOC).
– International Passport – DOC.
– Medicals – DOC
– Biometrics – DOC
For a complete list of regulated bodies:
(h.) Once NNAS has been completed, you will then complete registration with any of the Nursing provincial regulatory body that you have previously selected on NNAS application form.
(b.) Quebec Skilled Worker (QSW); https://t.co/94wcqPAJbs
(c.) Provincial Nomination Program (PNP):
– British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) https://t.co/oLQHGuiRrf :
BC PNP is created specifically for physicians, nurses, psychiatric nurses & RN practitioners.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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