Nurses are said to be the center of health care; they hold so much power because they have direct access to patients. In this article, we delve into Prioritizing Nurses Wellbeing in the scheme of healthcare and the reasons why the health and happiness of nurses should be at the forefront of healthcare system priorities.

Nurses are heroes without capes; they work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of both outdoor and admitted patients. However, for nurses to truly deliver effective care to these patients, they also need to be healthy themselves. Thus, it is imperative for nurses to prioritize their wellbeing. Year in and year out, we have heard several breaking news stories of nurses who slum and die while on duty. Such unfortunate incidents have often led many hospital management boards to ask: What is going wrong with nurses? Are there some underlying illnesses? Is the workload too much for them to bear?

Prioritizing Nurses Wellbeing in the scheme of healthcare

  1. Quality Patient Care:

The well-being of nurses is directly linked to the quality of patient care. Imagine a sick nurse with a cold trying to take care of another patient with a cold. Or imagine a nurse who is battling with some life-threatening disease. Such people cannot provide quality health care.

A nurse who is physically and mentally healthy can provide more attentive, empathetic, and efficient care to patients. This is why we advocate for nurses to be well-supported so that they can maintain the high standards of care that are essential for positive health outcomes, creating a ripple effect that benefits both patients and the healthcare system as a whole.

  1. 2. Prioritizing Nurses Will Reduce Burnout and Turnover:

The demanding nature of nursing can lead to burnout, a phenomenon that not only affects the individual nurse but also compromises the effectiveness of the healthcare team. Prioritizing nurse well-being by providing support, resources, and avenues for self-care can significantly reduce burnout rates and subsequent turnover. A stable nursing workforce contributes to a more experienced and proficient healthcare team, ensuring continuity of care and institutional knowledge.

  1. Enhanced Job Satisfaction:

An employee’s well-being is closely tied to their performance and satisfaction. When hospitals prioritize the mental health of their nurses, it does not only foster a positive work environment; it also promotes how they feel about the job. It makes them feel good about the workplace structure. For example, several nurses are relocating to foreign countries because they do not feel content and satisfied with the structure in Nigeria. In the same vein, satisfied staff nurses are likely to be more committed and motivated in their roles. This is how powerful a stable workplace is for the morale of the healthcare team.

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  1. 4. Improved Mental Health Support:

The nursing profession exposes nurses to extra-tough situations and difficult challenges that have proven to be a threat to their mental health. Hospitals and health organizations can address mental health challenges by implementing mental health support programs and stress management training to improve nurses’ work spirit. A mentally healthy nurse is a resilient nurse who is capable of coping with the emotional demands of the nursing profession without suffering burnout.

  1. 5. Increased Productivity and Efficiency:

It is not news that healthy nurses are likely to be efficient and productive in their roles. Think about the effect of having adequate staff nurses and a functional nursing body that governs and attends to the needs of nurses. A supportive work environment contributes effectively to nursing progression. More so, when a nurse feels valued and supported, they become easily focused on their responsibilities with a clear mind..

FAQs about Prioritizing Nurses Wellbeing in the scheme of healthcare

  1. Why is it important to prioritize the well-being of nurses in healthcare?
    • Prioritizing nurses’ well-being is crucial for maintaining a resilient and effective healthcare system. Healthy and well-supported nurses are better equipped to provide high-quality patient care.
  2. What are the common factors that contribute to stress and burnout among nurses?
    • Factors contributing to stress and burnout among nurses may include heavy workloads, long hours, insufficient staffing, emotional demands, and exposure to challenging or traumatic situations.
  3. How can healthcare organizations support nurses’ mental health and well-being?
    • Organizations can support nurses by implementing strategies such as providing mental health resources, promoting work-life balance, offering counseling services, and creating a supportive work environment.
  4. Are there specific initiatives for preventing burnout among nurses?
    • Yes, there are various initiatives, including wellness programs, resilience training, and peer support programs, designed to prevent and address burnout among nurses.
  5. How can nurse managers contribute to the well-being of their nursing staff?
    • Nurse managers play a crucial role by advocating for manageable workloads, facilitating a positive work environment, fostering open communication, and recognizing and addressing signs of burnout.
  6. What role can education play in promoting nurses’ well-being?
    • Education can raise awareness about stress management, resilience building, and self-care strategies. Training programs can equip nurses with the tools to cope with the demands of their profession.
  7. Do nurses have access to mental health resources and support services?
    • Many healthcare organizations provide access to mental health resources, counseling services, and employee assistance programs to support nurses’ mental health and well-being.
  8. How can the nursing community foster a culture of well-being?
    • The nursing community can foster a culture of well-being by promoting peer support, encouraging open conversations about mental health, and advocating for policies that prioritize work-life balance.
  9. Are there specific policies or regulations in place to address nurses’ well-being?
    • Some healthcare institutions have implemented policies focused on addressing nurse well-being, including workload management, scheduling policies, and support for mental health.
  10. Can prioritizing nurses’ well-being improve patient outcomes?
    • Yes, prioritizing nurses’ well-being is linked to improved patient outcomes. Well-supported and healthy nurses are more likely to provide safe, effective, and compassionate care.
  11. How can nurses advocate for their own well-being within the healthcare system?
    • Nurses can advocate for their well-being by communicating openly with supervisors, participating in well-being programs, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed.
  12. What are the long-term benefits of investing in nurses’ well-being for the healthcare system?
    • Investing in nurses’ well-being can lead to reduced turnover, increased job satisfaction, improved patient care, and a more resilient healthcare workforce, ultimately benefiting the entire healthcare system.


Prioritizing the well-being of nurses is not just to improve nurses’ performance; it is also a strategic investment that will eventually improve the success of the healthcare system. It is important that leaders in the healthcare industry recognize the direct impact that nurses have on quality patient care and create a work environment that reduces burnout.

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Finally, happy and satisfied nurses are more compassionate. And we understand that the nursing profession needs a large measure of compassion, as it is a key factor in providing excellence. As we acknowledge the vital role nurses play in the healthcare system, let us help nurses become more efficient and healthier.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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