Insects pose many threats to man and its works especially in developing countries and even some developed countries as most are diseases causing agents either to man plants and animals. For this reason, certain measures have been developed to control or totally eradicate insects and their effects. One of these measures is the production of insecticides.

The insecticide in this context refers to liquid chemicals, solutions, emulsions, or solid substance that inhabits the growth and normal living of an insect in our environment. Have you been looking for a business to invest in with little capital and make money from it? Have you been interested in lucrative business ideas? Then you’re in the right place. Consider starting up an insecticide production company.

Research shows that billions of dollars are spent annually on control measures against insects taking for example MOSQUITO the commonly known disease-causing insect in Africa; millions of dollars are invested annually to facilitate the eradication of mosquitoes. Nearly all household in Africa has one brand of insecticide or the other

Do you know you can produce insecticides and make a huge profit? The demand for insecticides and pesticides is very high, Insecticides has a wide application in Health, agriculture, medicine, etc and are found in almost all households, office, churches, schools, etc the only work is just to produce them no marketing is needed. Also, note that this is a business that suffers no preference or rejection of the threat of insecticides and pesticides in general.

Make Money From Insecticides Production Business

Let’s get into the necessary steps that will help you start your own lucrative insecticide production company…

Carry Out Research Work

Conducting research on the business you intend to do is a fine way of getting/gathering all the essential information to set up your business. For instance, you need to know how to penetrate and get to your target market, the level of competition in the marketplace, ways to get to suppliers of the raw materials and equipment, the right safety precautions to take, and so on.


The chemical for the production of insecticides or pesticides is locally sourced and is surprisingly cheap and maximization of profit is guaranteed as 50 percent of the production is water. So, you are about making back your invested capital.

Purchase Raw Materials

One good thing about the insecticide business is that the raw materials are purchased in the local market around or you can as well get a supplier to supply you with all the needed materials for your production.

The Raw Materials Include

*industrial camphor chemical
*D.D force chemical
*formalin chemical
All these chemicals are gotten/supply at affordable prices.

Learn The Process/Making of the Insecticide

Learning how to produce quality insect-killing substances is not that difficult, all you need to do is watch/learn from someone in other to understand the necessary ways and cautions to apply. But let me take you through how the insecticide is produced.

For 1litre of insecticide get:

*Put the 75cl of kerosene into a container then add
*1/2 kilo of industrial camphor
*25cl of D.D force and
*some formalin then mix. Note: make sure the container is tightly closed when mixing the chemicals.

Household insecticides are generally sold as ready to use products and it is applied both indoor and outdoor. So there you have it, your own homemade insecticide product.

Production procedure

The production procedure is not that challenging, with proper knowledge of measurement and swirling you can easily start and produce them perfectly.

Register the Business

Going into this kind of business whether small-scale or big business, you must try to register it in other not to have trouble with the law because the business involves the usage of harmful chemicals, and the government usually regulate/prevent manufacturers so as not to flow the market with harmful or fake products. So make sure you get all the required licenses and documents and go register with the relevant agent.

Find a Suitable Place

A suitable place matters because if you get one in town then you have to make sure it is safe to run and produce your insecticide in the area in other not to cause any discomfort or harm to both humans and animals around or better yet, you can find a low-cost facility at the outskirt of town and rent. That way you will be at ease and wouldn’t be too conscious of its smell/odor.

Purchase Machines

The production of insecticides requires no sophisticated machine nor does it require thousands of worth of equipment, with crude tools you can start production and make money from it.

Hire Workers

You need to hire a few hands to aid you when applying, mixing, packaging, and loading processes. Also, you might need them to help market your finished product, so make sure you hire dedicated and skilled workers for the job.

Packaging and Branding

When the production process is over and done with the next thing is to consider how to brand and package your product. You need to consider a few things here like, the name for your insecticide product, a name that will find with your company, and makes sure your packaging is done well and neatly sealed in a colorful or plain bottle. Most people are compelled to buy stuff that is attractive and neatly packaged.

Advertise/Market Your Product

Have it in mind that there are lots of strong brands already in the market way before you, so you have to be ready to put in good work to get your product out there. There are so many effective ways to go about this like, offering promo and discounts in other to bring in more sales, taking your product to offices, supermarkets, hospitals, furniture makers among others. Try to engage in social media advert as well, there is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the rest.

You must always find ways to create your own market and get people to recognize the effectiveness of your product, pretty soon the sales will start rolling in and you be cashing in.

Investment and Start-up

Like I mentioned earlier, investment is minimal and requires little space, so there won’t need to rent an apartment/warehouse nor construct one. No electricity expenses. A startup is minimal (though may require more if you intend to go into it on a large scale).

To help you start easily, we have packaged an eBook containing all the information you will need to start. The ebook contains details like the chemical requirements, measurements, production procedures/ formulation of major company insecticides, and of cause with contact and address where you can get chemicals and other material requirements. To get the ebook Contact Us

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