In this blog post, we discuss the dos and don’ts of interdisciplinary communication in hospitals, aiming to build bridges for better patient care. In the complex and dynamic environment of a hospital, successful patient care hinges on more than just individual expertise. It relies on seamless collaboration between different healthcare professionals, each bringing their own unique knowledge and skills to the table. This is where interdisciplinary communication takes center stage.

Nonetheless, navigating the diverse perspectives and jargon of different disciplines can be challenging. Effective communication, therefore, becomes the cornerstone of effective collaboration.


Let’s look at the Do’s of the interdisciplinary communication in the hospital.

  • Embrace clear, concise language:

Avoid jargon and complex medical terms that might not be understood by everyone. Explain diagnosis and treatment options in layman’s terms, encouraging questions and clarifications.

  • Actively listen to and acknowledge others:

Give everyone a chance to voice their opinions and concerns without interrupting. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues to identify and address unspoken issues.

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  • Practice empathy and respect:

Understand and value the unique perspectives and expertise of each team member. Treat everyone with courtesy and respect, regardless of their discipline or position.

  • Utilize effective communication tools:

Leverage communication platforms like huddles, electronic medical records (EMRs), and team meetings to share information efficiently and transparently. Consider visual aids like flowcharts and diagrams to enhance understanding.

  • Focus on shared goals and patient-centered care:

Remember that you’re all working towards the same goal: optimal patient care. Keep the patient’s well-being at the heart of every discussion and decision.

  • Provide timely feedback and constructive criticism:

Offer feedback respectfully and professionally, focusing on solutions rather than blame. Encourage open communication and continuous improvement within the team.

  • Celebrate successes and acknowledge contributions:

Appreciating each other’s efforts fosters a positive and collaborative work environment. Celebrate team achievements and recognize individual contributions to motivate and build engagement.


The following are the don’ts of interdisciplinary communication in the hospital.

  • Assume everyone has the same knowledge:

Remember, different disciplines have different areas of expertise. Avoid using jargon or making assumptions about others’ understanding.

  • Interrupt or dismiss concerns:

Allow everyone to voice their opinions and address their concerns respectfully. Ignoring someone’s perspective can lead to missed opportunities and potential errors.

  • Communicate solely through electronic means:

While technology is valuable, relying solely on emails or EMRs can lead to misunderstandings and missed nuances. Face-to-face communication fosters clearer understanding and stronger relationships.

  • Engage in siloed thinking or turf wars:

Remember, you’re part of a team, not a competitor. Avoid prioritizing your discipline over the overall patient care plan. Collaboration is key to optimal outcomes.

  • Shy away from difficult conversations:

Addressing disagreements or concerns constructively is crucial for preventing issues from escalating. Have open and honest discussions, focusing on solutions rather than accusations.

  • Make assumptions about patients’ understanding:

Clearly explain diagnoses, treatment options, and potential risks in terms the patient can understand. Encourage them to ask questions and address their concerns with respect.

  • Underestimate the power of positive communication:

A friendly greeting, a word of thanks, or a quick update can go a long way in creating a positive and collaborative work environment.

Frequent Ask Question

What not to do when communicating with patients?

Five Communication Errors to Avoid Between Patients and Providers

  1. complimenting rather than confirming.
  2. Giving counsel rather than suggestions.
  3. steering the discussion rather than leading it.
  4. Posing excessive queries.
  5. applying the methods of motivational interviewing without showing any empathy.
What are the rules of communication in healthcare?
  1. Good Health Care Communication
  2. To receive effective treatments, patients must feel comfortable enough to be open and honest in their
  3. communication with their healthcare professionals. In order for patients to receive the best care possible,
  4. Providers must communicate treatment plans and health education in a clear, understandable, and compassionate manner.
Ways to Improve Healthcare Communication

Frequent huddles and team meetings can help promote open communication by enabling team members to talk about patient cases, exchange updates, and get feedback from one another. Interprofessional teams’ communication can be greatly improved by EHRs.

What is interdisciplinary communication?

The goal of the interdisciplinary communication major is to give students a flexible understanding of many communication modalities by collaborating with various academic fields. Students customize a path of study that is tailored to their unique interests and aspirations by working with advisors from multiple fields.


Effective interdisciplinary communication is the cornerstone of high-quality healthcare. By embracing the “do’s” and avoiding the “don’ts,” healthcare professionals can build strong working relationships, enhance patient care, and create a more positive and rewarding work environment for themselves and their colleagues. Remember, communication is a two-way street – actively listen, speak clearly, and work together to build bridges for better healthcare.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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