Today’s article focuses on Clinical Skills Training for Novice Nurses who recently graduated from a firm nursing college.I  remember vividly my first time as a full-time nurse; it was a totally different ball game from my nursing student experience. It was overwhelming and demanding; I felt I was losing track of time and not achieving my personal goals as a nurse. Thankfully, I had great supervisors who helped me hone my clinical skills and put my academic knowledge into real-time practice at the hospital. At one point or another, almost every nurse faces difficulty entering a new unit or organization.

Why Clinical Skills Training for Novice Nurses is needed for novice nurses?

Novice nurses require comprehensive training to navigate the complexities of the demands in the nursing profession. Before an organization hires a nurse, there is a need for a blend of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, from drug administration to emergency response. Hence, organizations train novice nurses to help them enhance their clinical skills. Clinical skills for novice nurses go beyond teaching and providing information about the facility; they are also about training nurses on the best possible way to improve the overall healthcare of patients. Clinical skills for novice nurses should be invested in, as they both benefit the organization and the nurse.

Foundations of Clinical Skills Training

The first key to training novice nurses is to provide a comprehensive overview of how the organization runs and how patients ought to be handled. Foundational trainings are often divided into two categories:

Orientation programs: New nurses usually undergo orientation programs, which are specifically tailored to help novice nurses understand the settings of the organization. The program introduces the nurse to the demands of the roles, the facility’s protocols, and nursing policies.

Basic nursing skills: skills like vital signs assessment, wound care, and medication administration are the bedrock of clinical competencies. Despite being basic things in nursing, most organizations ensure that novice nurses receive hands-on training to ensure that they can perform effectively.

READ ALSO: Six Important Skills For Nurses

Interactive learning methods

Beyond traditional classroom lectures, it is important that novice nurses be engaged to participate in workshops and seminars. Here are some tips for effective training:

Task trainers: Organizing task trainers is essential to helping nurses replicate specific trainings. For example, some novice nurses may find airway management, venipuncture, or catheterization difficult. Hence, there is a need to create this training repeatedly until they have mastered these skills.

Role-playing exercises: I know that this sounds odd, especially if you work in a Nigerian setting. However, role-playing exercises are usually practiced in nursing colleges, and they are very effective in helping students master certain activities. Role-playing allows novice nurses to navigate different difficult scenarios that they may encounter in the course of their work as nurses. These exercises improve empathy, the ability to think analytically, and communication skills.

Regular, continuous education: Healthcare is an evolving field, and novice nurses must be encouraged to commit to continuous learning. Regular education through conferences, online events, courses, and workshops keeps new nurses abreast of the latest evidence-based techniques.


Clinical training for novice nurses can be a roller coaster and very demanding, yet it is rewarding. The organization becomes better and safer for patients, while the nurse is able to render quality services without supervision.

READ ALSO: 5 Ways To Improve Your Patient Advocacy Skills As A Nurse

Investing in training programs and supportive tools as a leader contributes to the development of confident and competent nurses who can solve the unending challenges of healthcare systems.


Abdullahi Suleiman a Certified Registered Nurse based in Nigeria, an Entrepreneur and Also a Blogger, passionate about Community Development and Cosmetic Nursing

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